Improved functionality of email delivery
With you can invite as many participants as you want conveniently by email.
Record the survey participants manually and/or import them by uploading your ASCII files with email addresses.
If necessary you can form one or more participant groups.
Set up email texts with variable forms of address
Set up email delivery orders, Q-Set sends emails to your participants in the background while you continue to work or even close the browser.
Send reminder emails.
Send emails
Here you can set up delivery orders. You can then keep working or even close the browser, the emails will be sent in the background, up to 900 emails can be sent per hour for each organiser. A recipient can be written to every 12 hours at the most for each designated survey. If the last email for this survey was sent more than 12 hours ago, the email address passes over to the participant group.
In the case of surveys with an access code participants who have already completed the survey will no longer receive emails. So for surveys with access codes you can send reminder emails to participant groups by setting up an email text and creating various delivery orders for the entire participant group.
-- There are no delivery orders available --
Start new delivery